Friday, August 3, 2018

Ritchie Valens Book Project Fundraiser - Hatchfund launch August - September 2018

Dear friends and colleagues,

For almost three years I have been researching and compiling my new book project about the guitars and music of Ritchie Valens.  As many of you know I teach History of Rock n’ Roll for Iowa State and I also attend the annual Winter Dance Party in Clear Lake Iowa which is the tribute weekend to Buddy Holly, Ritchie and the Big Bopper.  I have been a fan of Ritchie’s music over the years and in my research and teaching, I believe that Ritchie didn’t get quite enough credit as a guitarist among other legends of the era like Chuck Berry, Bo Diddley, Carl Perkins, Buddy Holly, Cliff Gallup, Scotty Moore, Duane Eddy and others.  I have met Connie Valens, Ritchie’s sister, and she has helped me tremendously, and introduced me to many special people.  This is will be a great project; the draft is already complete.  For the next phase; this is where I need your support.

This week marks my launch campaign with Hatchfund. This soft launch period 7/31 – 8/5,  is crucial to adding momentum and the perception that this project is already off to a great start. When the video appeal goes public on August 5th, the goal is to already have reached close to $2200 or 20% of the stretch goal. The public appeal will run for just under 60 day or two months ending September 30th, 2018.   It is fine to share the link below with friends but please do not post on any social media until the public launch, Monday August 5th.

So please take a moment to watch the video and decide if you would like to continue to be a part of this exciting project.

There are many giving levels, from $30 on up, each with their own set of perks. And don't forget, that every donation is tax deductible!      I am excited to have you all be a part of my new book project and grateful for your generous contributions.  If you have any questions, feel free to contact me directly.   

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