Sunday, April 16, 2017

Rain Down - 10 years

Ten years ago today since Virginia Tech. And like everyone, I struggled to make sense of what I was seeing on the news reports that day and the days after. "Rain Down" is the song that came out of those times. It's one I wrote with a friend of mine as we tried untangle the feelings we all were wrestling with during those days. I don't play this one live very much; it's tough one to do for several reasons. But I'm thankful that God saw fit to let this come down through our music. God uses our brokenness to make beautiful things.

Saturday, April 15, 2017

The Case for Christ - Holy Week reflections 2017

Holy Week reflections - The research and ministry of Lee Strobel has had a big impact on me over the years. Strobel is an avowed atheist who holds degrees in journalism and law, worked as a crime reporter for the Chicago Tribune. When his wife became a Christian, he went on a long crusade to disprove Christianity by researching as much of the direct and circumstantial evidence for the death and reserruction of Jesus that he could find, believing that the facts would validate his findings and he could disprove Christianity. The end result was that instead of being driven further away, he had to admit to himself that the evidence was so compelling that he had to believe. I've chewed on Strobel's writings over the years, and return to them every once in a while, and I'm pointed to fresh things in the Lord through them all the time.

"We all bet our lives on something, the question is: what's it going to be?"

"If Jesus is to be believed - and I realize that may be a big *if* for you at this point - then nothing is more important than you respond to him,"